About Us

Our Story

Oootopia is a newly evolved serviced residence designed for like-minded individuals looking for an independent lifestyle. Through this community of Oootopians, we believe that we can inspire and be inspired, discover and rediscover and achieve more than we can individually imagine.

Whether you are a high-flying corporate executive, a committed social worker, a passionate schoolteacher, a free-spirited artist, or an aspiring entrepreneur – you share one common trait: the relentless pursuit of one’s dreams.

Oootopia brings individuals from different walks of life into a vibrant and shared living space that positively impacts motivations, aspirations and characters. Become an Oootopian and live out your dreams - together, we can do so much more!

Core Values

Opportunity - Is the glass half full or half empty? Here, the glass is half full! We believe in creating opportunities even in the face of adversity. Oootopia hopes to create an environment in which we dare to dream – and dream big – and spur each other on to chase and live out our dreams.

Openness - You are not alone in this journey. With an open mind, respect and a keen desire to understand each other better, we believe that the world will be much more enjoyable. We embrace diversity, facilitate interaction and as a close-knitted community, we can individually and collectively make a positive impact on society. Leave a mark!

Originality - Be yourself. Distinctly different from any other living environment, Oootopia emphasizes mutual respect and sharing, but also recognizes the uniqueness of each individual. At Oootopia, it’s all about staying real without the limitations of social norms; we don’t judge!